How to Help
Helping a refugee resettle can be a years-long commitment. It requires the coordinated action of a broad support network, and the compassion of everyday people like you—who understand that no one asks to be a refugee, and who commit to helping them overcome traumatic pasts and move toward a more stable future.
Please consider joining us. Refugees arrive in San Diego with their memories, their hopes and a few belongings. Together we can help Welcome them Home.
Checks can be made payable to San Diego Jewish Community Foundation, place WELCOME HOME in the memo line.
Mailing address:
4950 Murphy Canyon Rd.
San Diego, CA, 92123
Your Contribution Will:
Assist with educational, vocational and training fees.
Provide required books and manuals.
Purchase tools required for trade.
Assist with transportation expenses to commute to school or work.
$50 - Provides clothing for job interviews or necessary uniforms.
$84 - Provides a monthly bus pass to commute to school or work.
$140 - Covers GED/academic testing expenses.
$360 - Offsets the costs of books for a semester.
$500 - Supports licensing exams and professional fees.
$1,000 - Helps purchase tools for a vocational pathway.
$2,500-$5,000 - Provides scholarships for educational programs and training to ensure a brighter future.
Supply Drive
Refugee families arrive with their hopes and dreams. leaving behind everything they know, fleeing violence and chaos in order to build a better life for their children. Welcome Home is hoping to make their transition a bit easier by providing whatever items are most needed. If you would like to help, please consider hosting a drive or donating the items listed below:
Wash Cloths/Loofahs
Body Wash/Hand Soap
Men’s and Women’s Razors
Baby Wipes
Baby Powder
Baby Lotion
Almost New Toys
Almost New Children’s, Men’s, and Women’s Clothing
School Supplies
Visa, Target, or Walmart Gift Cards
Dryer Sheets
Laundry Detergent
Toilet Paper
Feminine Hygiene Products
Dish Soap
All Purpose Cleaner
Dental Floss